A REAL Promise

As a Catholic community, we have a responsibility to help our children grow in faith. We make this promise at every baptism when we pledge to help parents and godparents raise their children in the Catholic faith.

At REAL, we take this promise seriously.



The REAL Foundation raises money through our annual Golf Tournament and other fundraising activities to support faith enrichment opportunities in all Elk Island Catholic Schools. Some of the extracurricular activities that we fund to help students develop a lifelong commitment to their faith, include:

  • Catholic religious education IN-SERVICES and training for students/teachers

  • Special presentations/Guest speakers (Learn More)

  • Conferences on student leadership and faith formation

  • Religious retreats

  • Enhanced academic experiences related to religious education

Our goal is to create a fund that supports the various faith enrichment opportunities and a fund large enough to sustainably enable ongoing scholarship awards .

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Find out about our organization, mission, our methods, and the results of our years of advocacy.

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